Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It's a woman's preogative...isn't it?

So after I published my post about turning my little photography hobby into a business the universe rose up to say
"Oh no she di 'int"
After the decision had been made I thought I would feel so good about it. Ready to take on a new challenge, learn, grow,expand.... all those things that come with opening a new chapter.
Well I didn't feel good about it, in fact I felt conflicted and overwhelmed.
I couldn't quite figure out why.
I had thought this was what I had always wanted to do, otherwise what was all this time and energy for?
So I knew I really needed to do some serious soul searching before I invested anymore time and especially money into my little business. So my soul searching has lead me to this conclusion.
I started taking pictures because I wanted, like almost every other photographer out there,
really great pictures of my kids.
I was getting those, picture after picture and I loved it!
I loved learning about my camera. I loved loved learning Photoshop and all it had to offer.
Somewhere along the lines my thinking changed.
Changed to thinking that if I got paid this would some how validate my talent.
That if I had 750 comments on my blog that I somehow had arrived.
Then I started doing something that if you know the inner most working of my mind (be very glad you don't because that is a scary place....scary like if you were doing an intervention on one of those hoarder shows scary)
I'm getting distracted...see what I mean about scary, anyway I started comparing my work with all those photographers out there.
And that ladies and gentlemen is my kryptonite!
I have always and when I say always I mean from the time I started elementary school,
have struggled with feelings of inadequacy.
So you can imagine what the World Wide Web would do from someone like me.
Blog after blog, website after website.... mix in my thought process and we are right back to the scary hoarding show I was talking about.
So let's bring this very long blog post to a conclusion shall we? Like I said I started doing this to get really good pictures of my kids, and I know I can do that and do it well. It's my happy place, the place where I feel creative and talented. But that was getting lost the more I tried to turn it into something it isn't, and what it isn't is a business.
It is a hobby, a hobby I really love, a hobby that has literally changed the way I look at the world.
And for now that's the way it is going to stay. Don't get me wrong if someone calls and says,
"Please Please will you take my picture"
I will and I will charge them but please know this is my hobby. I am not a professional photographer
I charge people because I do have expenses and it is time away from my family, so if we understand each other then I feel like we both know what we're getting into.
Cue sigh.....so there it is in all it's rambling glory, the reasons I will still be taking pictures but I won't be traveling the world peddling my talent ...be it ever so humble.
Remember what I said about taking pictures of my kids, well here are a few I shot last week that I am swooning over, I hope you do too.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Baby "J"

" Little Miss" was ready for her close up!
Her little tummy was full and she was fast asleep, so we went right to work
(if you can call it that...I certainly don't)
I wish I could photograph newborns everyday,
It really is my favorite!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ode to Photoshop

Webster's online dictionary describes an Ode as "A lyric poem marked by exaltation of feeling and style"
I not going to write a poem, but I am going to write with an "exaltation of feeling."
I Love Photoshop! Love it like I want to marry it! Don't tell Derek.
He will read this so,
Derek you know I Love You and I do love Photoshop a little less than you.
Seriously though I enjoy the editing part of the session as much I do the shooting.
I love to see what transpires when I start to edit and with Photoshop it brings an element of surprise and another level of creativity to the session!
Just so you know what I am talking about I am posting some "Before and After Shots"




So now do you see why I count Photoshop as one of my blessings, right along with my husband and children (husband and children totally come before Photoshop)

Now onto a different topic I have given my blog and my little photography business a lot of thought in this a new year. The conclusion I have come to is...I am ready to take the plunge into a full blown business! I'm nervous but excited. I am going to start off very small, hoping to schedule one or two sessions a week. I still have 5 kids at home so my main focus is still on my family.
So stayed tuned there are going to be a lot of changes for "Tracie Howard Photography"
A new website, a new camera, new lights, new props, new pricing, you get the idea.
The hope is to be ready to launch in the early spring, March or April
Wish me luck and then after you wish me luck call and schedule a shoot!