Thursday, February 28, 2008

This Is What You Get!

What do you get when you have
Andi Jane,
a compact full of
creme eyeshadow,
( Thankfully the cheep stuff)
And mom in the shower?
I was just thinking when I got her dressed,
"I love this outfit I should get a picture of her in it before she grows out of it"
Be careful what you wish for!

All I could do was grab the camera and the bottle of Goo Gone!
Which by the way works great if you have a two year old who is addicted to cosmetics
I'll let you know if I get it out of her cloths.Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 25, 2008

I've Taken Over!

Derek got the blog up and running but hasn't kept it updated, so....I've taken over.
I'll end the suspense
( because I'm sure you have all been waiting on pins and needles)
and tell you all what we've been keeping with!
Sadie was in her school's production of
"Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory".
She made her acting debut staring an Oompa Loompa!
For any of you who know Sadie personally, you may be thinking, she's a little tall
(actually a lot tall) for an Oompa Loompa?
Surprisingly she was not the tallest... close ,but not quite.
She loved it! She had a lot of fun and it was a great experience for her.
They were able to perform the play at the Colonial Theater in Idaho Falls.
I have to admit that was cool, it is a great old theater with a lot of personality.
She did not however care for the makeup,
they performed 2 matinees and 3 night performances
and she complained more every time they put it on her!
Thanks to all the family and friend who came to watch.
She loved having you there.
Here are a few pics of some of her cast mates and Sadie in all her Oompa Loompa glory!

I did an orange tint on this picture when I processed it She was always saying her Director was telling them Oompa Loompas are weird humanoid things, so I gave this picture a weird tint to match.

Andi Jane, like every other kid in Rexburg had R.S.V. the week before Sadie play.

Both she and Clay had ear infections, so for a week our lives consisted of breathing treatments, antibiotics, and Children's Motrin.

In between there was some napping and a lot of "snuggling wiss mommy"

as Andi Jane would say.

Gaige had his first Pinewood Derby last week. Clay made a car too.

All last week was spent sanding and painting.

I think Derek had as much as they did.

I don't have any pics of the derby

because (hold your laughter)

I am the Cub master in our ward.

So needless to say picture taking was not at the top of my list

with 25 kids, Pinewood Derby cars, and cupcakes! It was organized chaos!