Thursday, August 21, 2008

"Woo Who"

So I was looking back over my last couple of posts. They are mussy and sentimental!
Both of those things I am not. I don't know what got into me.
I am sarcastic and cynical.
Don't believe me?
Well read on.

For those of you who shed a few tears on the first day of school
this post is not for you, because you see, I am not one of those moms.
I look forward to the first day of school like my kids look forward to Christmas!
Don't get me wrong I enjoy summer, maybe a little to much.

( Hence the reason for my poor neglected blog)
I like having my kids home. I like the break in routine.

There isn't much I don't like about summer vacation.

And part of summer vacation is that it's over.

(almost Sadie doesn't go back until Sept.2nd)
So I got my kids up bright an early, dropped Gaige off to the fourth grade and Clay off to Kindy,
and I went to Wal-Mart where I saw many a mother with a smile on her face.
I even saw one I knew well who gave me a " Woo Who! "
My thoughts exactly.

I do however take my camera to document these times in my children's lives.
I'm not totally heartless.
I love the look on Gaige's face. He did not share in my enthusiasm.

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Jenie said...

I love it! I was at Target and the radio was on over the speakers and it was announcing that school was back on and I did a little Whoo HOO also! The lady in the isle with me looked at me a little strange, but then smiled!

natalie Simmons said...

Thats why we love you Tracie!!!All the kiddos are growing up, its crazy. Miss you guys.

Natalie S

Kathy said...

I was one of those mothers who cried. That was when I started a lunch party with all the others mothers so I wouldn't be alone all day. It was a great tradition until I went to work. Now I can't join the little lunch group.

Natalie said...

I am in the same boat with you. Somehow the school routine is much easier for me to manage. So just know you are not alone in the "Whoo Hoo" department.

BTW - I didn't post that other post - do you know another

Tracie said...

Natalie Steed
I do know another Natalie S. Simmons to be exact. She is one of my oldest friends and Derek's cousin. But I can tell you apart because of your family picture when you post.